3DRacers is a 3D printed racing game, based on Arduino and smartphone enabled.
Design your car online, choose from over 100.000 variations and 3D print your model. Race with your friends (up to 1000 simultaneously!) with the Android/Iphone app and automatic lap counter.
3DRacers was launched by a successful IndieGogo campaign on 2015, and is available now with immediate delivery from the online store: http://store.3dracers.com.
Technologies Used
- Website with Bootstrap3/Lesscss/Wordpress/WooCommerce
- Electrical Design with EagleCAD, Atmel ATMega32u4 MCU
- Arduino IDE integration, Windows Drivers with custom USB PID, C/C++ library development
- Unity3D Android/iOS app with Buetooth 4.0 support
- Php/Docker backend for boards analytics + Slate Docs + Discourse
- Design in-house for Indiegogo page, website, app graphics, PR releases, Ads creativities.