Because I’ve come back from my holidays and I have some spare time, I’m wondering if I can do some nice stuff before the next exam session (olny 2 left!). First, I’ve start looking for some html/javascript tool, and I’ve found something interesting: A Mouseover DOM Inspector (try it now clicking here!) You can save […]
Category Archives: General
Ok, this should be a dev blog about flash, javascript and some projects I’m working on, but since I’m busy studying for the last 4 exam I haven’t do nothing interesting to show yet. So, just to keep you busy in the meantime, here two video worth to see: Watch: Video 1 Watch: Video 2
I had stumble upon this great CG short movie today, it could be an answer to the Stephen Hawking question: watch the video: Three Legged Legs™ ||| Humans
(Found on This is a wonderfull timeline visualization tool, it graphically show the time and date when an event occur. From the site: Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information The event data can be loaded from XML or JSON. Clicking on an […]
Get Perpendicular!
This is my first post, hope will not the last.