Because I’ve come back from my holidays and I have some spare time, I’m wondering if I can do some nice stuff before the next exam session (olny 2 left!).
First, I’ve start looking for some html/javascript tool, and I’ve found something interesting:

A Mouseover DOM Inspector (try it now clicking here!)
You can save it as a bookmark and start exploring every web site you visit.
There is also a similar tool packed as a Firefox extension: Aardvark, but it has less features.

Then an image crop tool in JS: 12ImageCrop. It work nice with CakePhp (copy it in the webroot/12cropimage folder and add the js where you need it). See the Demo
I’ve found also this one based on Scriptaculous & Prototype, it seems better but I haven’t try it yet: JavaScript Image Cropper UI, see the Demo
Now something on CSS: I’ve found this comparison between css optimizers, and Icey’s CSS Compressor seems to have won the challenge. It can be really useful.